Saturday, June 30, 2012

Leaving France

We are currently in the Rennes Airport waiting for our flight.  We have had a marvelous trip but are ready to go home.  Today the cold wet weather broke and we had a beautiful sunny day.  Mireille came part of the way with us and took us to a street fair in Morlaix.  Beautiful old town and I really enjoyed walking around the booths at the street fair.  Wonderful food, of course, and interesting things to buy.  I did end up purchasing  a couple of Christmas gifts so Bill needed to go to the bank again so that we have enough cash for the final stop on our journey: Ireland.

It was so nice being able to spend some quiet relaxing time in France.  I like the France countryside much more than Paris – but that is typical of me.  The food has been particularly good – no surprise there.  The people have been quite friendly.  Many people speak English and those who don’t were patient with my broken French and hand gestures.

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