Friday, June 22, 2012

So tired...

We have been on our feet for 10 of the last 12 hours!  My feet need a rest.

We started out at the Uffizi Museum - it claims to be the largest single repository of Renaissance Art.  Most collected by the Medicis.  We had to wait an hour and a half to get in and then spent several hours there.  It was overwhelming in both quantity and quality but I have now seen my lifetime quota of 'Madonna and child'.  It would have been very nice if the subject matter of the Renaissance paintings was more varied.

Afterwards we tried to go to the Bobo gardens but couldn't get in.

Then we had lunch and went back to the room to rest for a bit.  Followed by an attempt to see the statue of David (unsuccessful) and a very nice visit to the Galileo museum.  Lots of very interesting old science instruments.

Then we crept back to our hotel to collapse in a heap.

I have lots of half-formed thoughts about wealth, privilege, art, science, etc.  But they are incoherent and I am too tired to make sense out of them just now.

One piece of excellent news - we found a cable for the camera so I should be able to start posting pictures soon.

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