Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Three Stooges

Mireille, Bill and I trimmed one of Mireille’s hedges today.  Between the ladder, the power clippers, the rake and the hand clippers we were an accident waiting to happen.  But at the end of the operation the only casualty was the hedge.

Mireille says that she has promoted Bill to 'French Gardener'. 

Bill went for a run this morning on the island.  He says it is a wonderful place to run.  We have washed some laundry and hung it up to dry but it isn’t very warm and sunny so I am a little worried about it getting dry before night fall.

Meanwhile I am sitting in her sun room watching the sailboats and the kayaks on the bay.  It’s beautiful and peaceful.  Bill is sacked out on the couch and Mireille is working in the kitchen.

Later today we will go in to town (when the tide goes out) and we will go grocery shopping and perhaps do some site seeing.  Mireille’s brother is coming out to stay tonight to help her with some remodeling projects she is doing.  It will be nice to meet him, I’m sure.

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