Saturday, June 16, 2012

Croatia vs Italy

Thursday evening.

We had dinner at the same restaurant/bar tonight.  The television was tuned to a soccer game between Croatia and Italy so a lot of locals were there.  Shortly after we arrived Croatia scored a goal that tied up the game.  We cheered  along with everyone else and they seemed to appreciate it.

After the game ended, many boats in the harbor rang their horns and there was general rejoicing.  It seems a little odd that a tied game was received so well but perhaps it means that Croatia stays in the tournament ?

About half an hour after the game was over, there was a ‘parade’ down the road with people leaning out of windows, beeping horns, etc.  It was fun to see even if it was only two cars !

It is interesting to see how the roads work here.  There is one road through town which is about one and a half lanes wide.  Trucks, cars, bicycles and motorcycles use this road as well as lots of pedestrians.  And in both directions!  Luckily the motor vehicle traffic is so light that you don’t seem more than one or two in an hour.  The difficulty when you use the road is knowing if other people expect to have it all to themselves.

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