Friday, June 22, 2012

The rhythm of the day

I really like the way that we structure our days here.  We get up pretty early and have a light breakfast.  Then we ‘do something’.   Generally a museum or something like that.  Then we wander around the streets sight-seeing and people watching until early afternoon when we have a long leisurely lunch.  Back to the hotel.  If it’s been hot and sticky, we will get showers.  Bill takes a nap and I usually work on my volunteer database project (I know, it sounds like work, but I really enjoy doing it).  Late afternoon we return to the streets to either go see something else or just wander about.   7 p.m. we have dinner and go to a concert or some other evening activity.  Frequently we are in bed by 10 or 11 at the latest.

It’s a very restful way to live.  It would be very nice to break up the day this way at home – even if we are working in the morning and afternoon.  But you just can’t do that if you don’t live walking distance from work.

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