Friday, June 8, 2012


It is Friday, June 8th and Bill and I arrived in Croatia after a long travel day.  We left Boston at 6:30 and flew to Dublin.  After a short layover we took off for Croatia.  I had hoped to sleep on that leg of the journey but we shared the plane with (I am guessing) an Irish soccer team.  They seemed very nice but they did take up a lot of space and my seat companion fidgeted the entire trip. Lots of good natured teasing back and forth.  I have never seen so many sports jerseys in one place!  It looked like they were on their way to a game in Croatia.  Is there something significant going on in the soccer world right now ??

Dubrovnik is very beautiful.  Our hotel is much closer to the water than we expected so we were able to walk down to the beach quite easily.  Bill says the water was warm but we didn't go in yet.  We did hang out by the pool.  There are quite a few people here but it is not crowded.  I expect it gets much more crowded when school is out.  We are surrounded by people who are our age or older with some grand kids mixed in.  Many languages but the staff is quite fluent in English so that is easy for us.

We had an amazingly beautiful and romantic dinner by the ocean.  The hotel set up an incredible buffet with a large array of kinds of food.  We had a table out on a patio and watched the sun set while we ate dinner.

After dinner we went back to our room and sat on the balcony.  We could hear the sounds of people conversing over dinner in the distance and we watched the bats come out as the sky darkened.  In the quiet, you could hear some ocean noise in the distance.  And then, very faintly we caught the sound of people singing.  Somewhere far away a chorus of male and female voices was singing.  We couldn't catch words (or even a melody) but it was very beautiful and peaceful.

We will go to bed early tonight since we are seriously jetlagged and tomorrow we will explore Dubrovnik

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