Saturday, June 30, 2012

Thursday - Island Fun

Today we helped wrestle Mireille’s brothers boat over to the other side of the island so he could launch it.  He had forgotten to bring the truck attachment for the boat wagon.  So his friend rode in the back of the truck holding the boat wagon.  The rest of us helped push and pull the boat wagon into place.  Looked very silly but it worked.

We had grilled lobster for dinner and Mireille has promised me a picture of them cooking on the grill.  It was delicious.  It was almost much easier to eat than boiled lobster because they are cut in half (lengthwise) before being placed on the grill.  This is something I would like to try the next time I make lobster.  But I don’t quite understand how you cut them in half.  A knife certainly won’t do it.  Perhaps a hacksaw ?

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