Monday, September 10, 2012


Sept 9th , 2012

Bill and I have taken another leap into the great unknown.  This time we have decided to try city living for a little while.  We have rented a ‘pied ateire’ apartment near Boston College.  We plan to stay here for one term. We are calling this our ‘semester abroad (in Boston)’.   

I have signed up to take a class at Boston University.  BU has an ‘Evergreen’ Program which allows older people to audit classes at BU if the professor agrees. Our apartment is right on the green line so I can take the T to get back and forth to my class.  And Bill will be able to walk to work which will be a very nice change from his typical hour long commute twice a day. 

Quite a few of you have expressed interest in hearing about this experience so I have decided to write a blog about it.

Yesterday (Saturday) we moved most of our stuff in.  Today we brought our clothing,  kitchen supplies and stuff like that.  We have unpacked enough to be able to spend the night but there is still a lot to be done to get settled in.

We expected to be surrounded by students but this is definitely an older community.  Many people in their 70s and 80s.  A few younger people.  We have seen no-one else our age.  We hear a lot of Russian and Chinese as people walk around.  Everyone seems friendly so far.

We walked to Cleveland Circle tonight to get dinner and had a quick meal at Cityside (which may be known to you BC folk).  There are several restaurants in the area but most are either bars or sandwich shops.  I’m sure we will find more as we look around.

It is interesting the number of things that we need that we left at home (and I’m sure when we are home it will remarkable the number of things that we need that are here J).

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