Sunday, March 5, 2023

penguin parade

 Sunday, March 5, 2023 -  Penguin Parade - Phillip Island, Melbourne

I have now seen one of the cutest things ever.  The penguin parade on Philip's Island.  These small penguins ( about 1 foot high ) emerge from the ocean at dusk every night and hurry up the beach and into their burrows in the hills.  They huddle together as protection from predators. 

We had a little bit of drizzle but no big deal.  It may have kept the size of the human crowd done but it sure didn't discourage the penguins from coming. 

The nature preserve has set up an awesome viewing platform where you can see it all without interfering with their progress.  It is an amazing sight.  I feel so lucky that I got to see this but also so glad that I am a human being.  It's a hard life being such a tiny ( and I suspect delicious ) penguin. 

Pictures are not allowed because the flash blinds the birds when they emerge from the ocean.  But there are photos taken by the preserve that are available for copying so that's what you see here. 

They looked like this but in the hundreds and the thousands.  Watching a 'raft' of penguins emerge out of the ocean and waddle up the beach is so impressive.  Cleary they have safety in numbers.  They try to cluster as they cross the empty spots on the beach and then up into the hills. 

When these penguins are impacted by oil spills, etc, they loose their protective oils.  So, yes, the nature preserve does gather little penguin sweaters to help keep them warm.  OMG.   Was this specially designed to hit my heart ? 

We also saw some native birds and wallabees on Phillip's Island. 

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