Sunday, February 26, 2023

Hawaii - Feb 26, 2023

 We arrive safely in our very nice hotel last night after 18 hours of travel.  

We managed to upgrade to business class on the first leg of the journey and, wow, that is a totally different experience.  We switched planes in Phoenix and had to run through the airport to catch the connection. Also got moved to cattle class for the rest of the trip.  But we are here now and it was all worth it.

Sitting in the hotel room after a great breakfast  and watching the waves crash on the beach.  We will go for a long walk on the beach soon.  Rumor has it that it's a little too cold to swim.  We'll see about that 😉.

Looking forward to several days of doing nothing much except adjusting to the time difference ( 6 hours!).

Sunset the first night

View from our room 

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