Tuesday, May 31, 2022

 A Comedy of Errors (apologies to WS)

We had a lovely Memorial Day Weekend.  But we don't like crowds so we thought we would be clever and schedule a bike ride in Portland on the Tuesday after Memorial Day. 

We woke up early, packed up (including sweatshirts because it felt a little cool) and drove in to 'Bug Light' - the comically short lighthouse in South Portland Harbor.  When we got there we found that it was even colder than it was at home (how is that a surprise?  it is always colder next to the ocean 😖).  Cold enough that we were having second thoughts about getting on the bikes.   But fortune favors the bold so we decided to try it anyways. 

Only to discover that we had cleverly left the battery for my bike at home.  Well, this was a good day to do that since it would have been a short ride in any case because of the cold.

So we head back for home.  At least we can stop at a local yarn shop on the way (nope - closed on Tuesdays).  Well we can have a nice lunch out at that new restaurant in town (nope - closed on Tuesdays).  Well it was a pleasant drive (nope - started raining on the way back and my bike doesn't have a cover for the battery compartment.

In spite of everything, it was an adventure.  Tomorrow is another day.  #cantTrustMaineWeather #thereAreNoBadDaysInMaine

Sunday, May 29, 2022


Memorial Day Weekend – 2022


Today Bill and I spent a couple of hours sitting on the dock and watching the clouds.  It was sunny but there was a cool wind blowing and the sky was every shade of blue.  We were making guesses about which clouds were above and below each other and when adjacent clouds would meet.  Got distracted for a minute and then couldn’t even recognize the clouds we had been watching.  #summerdaypleasures